Unity3D Invector and Emerald AI melee combat with player health bar

1. Create a SANDBOX (3D, NOT HDRP)

2. Add a demo scene with melee Emerald AI

3. Create a camera,

4. Add a player

5. Change layer to the same as enemy (water)

6. Test melee combat

  1. How to add weapons and Ammo ?

In Invector > Shooter > DemoScene

In hierarchy:   Hive > Shooter_Hive > ShooterFeatures > Inventory_Collectables

                                                – Ammo > vAmmoAssaultRifle_Inventory

– Weapons > vCollectibleAssaultRifle

The weapon should be a Triggers layer.

The hero should be a Player layer. (vShooterController_Woman_01_With_Helmet_04)

  • Collision detection or layer problem, or both ?

Follow tutorial :


  1. set enemy inspector to: tag enemy and layer enemy
  2. change tag option from respawn to enemy
  3. in player controller >

I have purchased Emerald AI 3.0 and Invector Third Person Controller – Shooter Template .

I try to follow a tutorial (https://github.com/Black-Horizon-Studios/Emerald-AI/wiki/Invector-Integration-Tutorial)

I don’t find the « Shooter Manager ». « This can be found on your Invector player. » it’s in vShooterController_Woman_01_With_Helmet_04 (scroll down)

  1. in asset > invector > script > weapon > vProjectileControl.cs
  2. in EmeraldAIPlayerDamage script, import script replacement DamageInvectorPlayer
  3. uncomment function DamageInvectorPlayer(int DamageAmount, Transform Target) ;