Tutorial Game Design Unity3d 2020.3.25f1

== Create new scene ==

            Kit tools > create new scene (appear in Assets)

            To move in 3DGameKItLite > Scenes folder

== Add enemies ==

            Drag and drop (from Assets > 3DGamekitLite > Prefabs > Characters > Enemies > Chomper.)

            AI : in planes > (on the right side) Add component > navmesh surface

                        Agentype : chomper

                        Include layer : “nothing” and after “environment”

                        Select bake

If you add more Chompers or other enemies in the Scene, they use the same NavMesh Surface; you don’t need to repeat this for new enemy additions.

When you add or move GameObjects in your Scene, you need to rebake the NavMesh Surface.

== Create a teleportation portal to another map ==

            Create a new scene2 (destination)

            Add a door in scene 1

Assets > 3DGamekitLite > Prefabs > SceneControl.

Drag and drop TransitionStart near the door in scene 1

Transition game object: Ellen

Transition type: different zone

New scene name scene2

Transition destination (“A”)

                        Transition when ontriggerEnter

Add transition destination to scene 2 (“A”) link

            Transition game object: Ellen

Finally, make sure your destination Scene is in your Editor’s Build Settings. To do this, go to File > Build Settings and select Add Open Scenes.